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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Can someone teaches me how to cry?

Question:I have an audition next week and my character requires me to cry...SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have an audition next week and my character requires me to cry...SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!!

I have never heard of a play that actually dictates that an actor actually cry.

Crying onstage is ridiculous. First, because of the distance, no one beyond the first row will actually see the moisture.

Second, a theatre audience actually wants to watch a character doing his/her best NOT to cry -- that creates much more tension and pathos.

Third, acting is all about control, and if you actually start blubbering you'll lose the control you need -- you'll start sniffling, your throat will constrict, and you'll start garbling the text. No matter what emotion is being played, diction must never, EVER be sacrificed.

And fourth, if you have the acting chops, you can make the auditors believe you're crying. They're surely not doing "moisture checks" as part of the audition. If that IS part of the audition, don't go -- you'd be auditioning for hopeless and utter hacks.

think of a hard time you went through in the past that made you cry....the death of a loved one or something.

try thinking of something that makes you really sad!! sorry I do not know how to cry on cue, but best of luck to you, I hope you figure it out!

Has there been a tragic loss in your family??? How bout' a sad movie scene? Use this drama and sadness as a way of jerking tears for stage acting. if all else fails imagine a funeral happening to a loved one, it works for me!!!!

bite your tongue or cheeks just hard enough for tears to come out

there's a tear stick you can buy with menthol in is put some on your finger and about 30 seconds before you deliver the line that your supposed to produce tears for run that finger just under your eye lid and and little bit on your eye itself, like your really going to let loose. it's powerful stuff and it's kindof hard to focus when the tears really flow, but if your a good actor it'll appear as natural as the tragedy. :)

just go in your room and full out just try. start crying. it'll be weird but you should be able to do it. if that doesnt work, think about something really sad first, like if your mom died or said she hates you or something, thatll get you a little choked up hopefully and then its up to you to go for it and make it real (meaning: ACT!)

wowo... that chain message is dumb as hell... anyway think of soemthign really sad or listen to a really depressing song before hand...just somethign to listen to that makes you cry. if it helps i recently cried several times while:
- watchign the first land before time movie
-listening to "how to save a life" by the Fray
-watchign the iron giant
-talkign to my boyfriend (jk!)

If this is for acting'll concentrate on the event that made you cry .....things I do is i try to remember the smell and the feeling I had when my dog got ran over by a car and I saw it happen....i still remember the sound my dog made...I remember smelling burnt rubber because the car tried to you use your sense's to trigger that emotion in you.....hope it helps.....!!

Here's what you can do:

One, think of the saddest moment in your life. If you have none, then think of someone else's saddest moment in life.

Two, make the holes in your nose bigger. Breath in as much air as you can through these holes.

Third, contract your eyes. This will give pressure your glands.

Finally, practice all these by playing some sad music.

Imagine someone you loved very much just died in a horrible accident that was random, had no way of escaping...or that your mother just died, and she tried to reach you and you were unavailable for some reason or that a child you know of was harmed and crying for its mommy and it couldnt be found in time...those things should make you want to cry pretty quickly...other than that you need to have someone slap the crap out of you right before you go on stage, or yell at you, or imagine your girlfriend with someone else or something like that or that your pet was just hit by a car...something very sad, will get you to the point then just let it happen. Take Care-Rachel.

Thinking of something sad never works for me. Keeping my eyes open and resisting the urge to blink always has made my eyes water enough to look like i'm crying. Throw in a little whimpering, and you are good to go.


If you haven't seen the movie, Night and Fog, you should see it. It is so sad and so gruesome. You see what happens when one group says it is superior to another and when people watch it happening but say nothing.

I saw the movie in high school and it changed my life forever.

Here is a link to the words

Here is a link to the DVD:

If you ever need to cry, you can think back to this movie and think about the inhumanity we humans exhibit so often. Think about the 1 and 1/2 million Jewish children and the 6 million who were killed. Think about the Roma and the Sinti (Gypsy) and Polish and Black and Hispanic and Asian people who were killed, along with the Political prisoners-- more than 8 million. Think about those sterilized and mutilated. Think about the people thrown into the ovens or into the pits, and some who were not dead yet. Think about how WWII caused the deaths of more than 50 million people. Watch and weep-- and realize that wherever arrogance struts, suffering results. Think about Neville Chamberlain's strategy of appeasement and how we are still sticking our heads in the sand today as more hatred of others God made is shouted online and on air.

If I think about what I saw in that movie... just think about it.... tears can come to my eyes even now, thirty years later.

if u r a talented actor.. it should come naturally.. if not learn to b one.... try urself... imagine....imagine.. imagine....