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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Drums(jinglebells)?

Question:okay, I have to play in the praise band at my church on Decemeber 15. I've looked EVERYWHERE for Jinglebells on the drums but i can't find it... I dont know what to do. Where can I find it or do you know it? HELP

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: okay, I have to play in the praise band at my church on Decemeber 15. I've looked EVERYWHERE for Jinglebells on the drums but i can't find it... I dont know what to do. Where can I find it or do you know it? HELP

Well, if you're talking about the actual instrument, it's called the sleigh were close. lol. If you're talking about the song jingle bells, just come up with something creative. Like, do straight beats with the bass drum and do a swing-style type thing with your suspended cymbal or hi-hat, and your snare drum. Im in my school's band, which is having a christmas concert coming up soon, and for a few of the songs there's a jingle bells part in it, and the actual music says it's a swing-style. If you know the song, you can come up with something creative. If you don't want to come up with something yourself, you can always go to music stores and see if they have anything there, or just shop online. I hope you find what you need. Good luck!!

The correct term for jingle bells in the percussion world is sleigh bells. You can do a search with that term. I've provided a link below with what I use as sleigh bells. If you are handy, you could make it yourself with a piece of wood, some large bells, and creative stapling.