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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Should I buy the Franz Hoffman maestro violin?

Question:I'm looking for a good sounding violin, one with a nice tone. Is this a good choice??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm looking for a good sounding violin, one with a nice tone. Is this a good choice??

Every violin is different, and every violinist's opinion on what makes a "nice tone" is also different. There are lots of things you can do to change the tone of an instrument, and the more you play a violin, the more it will conform to your style and sound. Although I am a professional violinist, I play on a cheap $50 violin for gigs (you never know what can happen, especially with children around), and you know what? It sounds better than many new violins I just acquired, simply because I've played it for so long.

With that said, if you really are interested in one of those "Franz Hoffman Maestro" violins (which are made in China), I believe that Shar has a trial period that you can take advantage of.

You are obviously looking for a good value, since this line is not that expensive. I can certainly understand and appreciate that. I just got into the violin resale business, and can assure you that you can get a violin of much higher quality for that price if you know where to look. But hey, try out different violins until you're completely satisfied with the tone. You're also welcome to e-mail me to check out what I might have in that price range if you'd like different options.

In any case, I sincerely hope you find one you're happy with!