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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Does the length of your fingers affect how you play the guitar?

Question:It can to a point, but everyone develops their own style to accommodate.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It can to a point, but everyone develops their own style to accommodate.

In theory it affects play somewhat, as longer fingers have a longer reach and thus can perform more accords. It usually is not relevant though.

the length and width do. but eventually you learn.

i have thick fingers, and that, at first, made it more difficult.

Length of your fingers can play a role in playing the guitar or most other instruments of the same basic style, Banjo, mandolin, violin, etc. There are different sizes of necks on guitars that help with those of us that have short fingers.

When I was 10 years old I wanted to learn to play the guitar. My parents bought me one for Christmas that year and I started lessons. I became frustrated very soon because the neck on the guitar was wide and I could not reach the strings. I soon gave up and quit. I bought a better guitar when I was in my 30's and tried to teach myself and had some success. Today I am 69 yrs old and wish I could play but have arthritis in my fingers and now they won't reach the cords again.

So yes, length of fingers can affect how you play on some guitars.

Note that most of the greatest stringed-instrument players have longer-than-average fingers. Watch a video of Hendrix sometime to get an idea.

in some ways yes
longer fingers can make it easier for some riffs and scales etc.