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Position:Home>Performing Arts> PLEASE BE HONEST!! can i sing? or do i suck?

Question:I wanna know if I sing good, but everytime i record myself my voice gets distorted(I record by phone cuz my camera cant work well)
I need to know if I sound good or bad cuz I want to know if I should audition for this part that needs singing, and I dont really care if I get that part cuz I can always get another part, but just so I dont waste my time, embarrasing myself, please be honest thanks.

thanks for your honesty!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I wanna know if I sing good, but everytime i record myself my voice gets distorted(I record by phone cuz my camera cant work well)
I need to know if I sound good or bad cuz I want to know if I should audition for this part that needs singing, and I dont really care if I get that part cuz I can always get another part, but just so I dont waste my time, embarrasing myself, please be honest thanks.

thanks for your honesty!!

how old are you, first of all? if you're under 12, then your voice still has time to develop. As someone was saying before, you're not breathing right. You have to take deep breaths through your mouth and OPEN UP YOUR THROAT!!!!!! And you have to use your abdominal muscles when your sing in order for your diafragm help you sustain the notes. You were off pitch, but nobody can say you're tone deaf. I would only say you're tone deaf if I gave you a note on the piano and you couldn't sing it back. Your voice is not bad, it needs work and as I said, you need to relax, open your throat and use your diafragm in order for you to sing louder and fuller.

PS: your voice might sound weak because you recoreded it with the phone. I just recoreded myself with my phone and it sounded the same, and I can break glasses with my voice, so that might be the problem. Record yourself with something else and let us hear it.


You don't suck... but you may be a little tone deaf, because your pitch is off.
Your voice is not strong enough for a part, I would think.

Does it really matter, listen to Bob Dylan or Rod Stewart they have absolutly horrid voices, and theyre making money. Elvis was told to forget about singing, go drive a truck.

Honestly, you have a beautiful voice but u don't have a musical ear....I attended music classes and I singed in the choir for more than two years. You voice is to thin for "Amazing Grace" .........I think it's not a very good idea to audition for that part........I didn't mean to upset you so sorry....but this is my opinion

you breath threw your nose when you sing. and you can tell. they wont pick you because of that.

my music teacher is a jerk and she makes it so we sound perfect.

It's a bit nasal and a bit tone deaf.
I would forget about singing, or wait a couple years of lessons :/

I agree with the first person. It sounded like you ran out of air a few times. You have a pretty voice, but it isn't very strong. Your diction was a little sloppy, too. Good news: I think you could get a WHOLE lot better with lessons. For your audition, if it is soon, I think you should probably try out for another part. You should get singing instruction first and then audition for a singing part next time. Good luck, and don't be afraid to ask for help so you can improve! People will be impressed by your initiative and desire to better yourself. A good teacher always loves a willing, hardworking pupil.

salam...well,ur voice is ok for me,but,if u need to be a singer,i think u should try to to the studio and get a comment from people that know very well about your voice...nway,best of luck k!!!!

buy a professional equipment and sing more louder. then practise a lot.

It's not awful, I think you have potential. I've seen a few other comments on this and I agree it's a bit nasaly (learn breathing techniques to fix that) and slightly weak.
Sorry though I don't think you'd be ready to audition now. Get some lessons and I think you could improve tons :)
And lol, you're a lot better than me anywayy...