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Question:my voice is kinda raspy so when i sing its hard for me to hit the high notes cuz my voice isnt clear it sounds kinda cracked. i really love to sing do you know what i can do to fix or help this

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: my voice is kinda raspy so when i sing its hard for me to hit the high notes cuz my voice isnt clear it sounds kinda cracked. i really love to sing do you know what i can do to fix or help this

Like most of the other answers here, it is very important to sing from your diaphram instead from you throat as firstly, it will sound weak and unsupported, and more importantly it will spoil your throat if you constantly strain your throat.

to increase your range, do scales exercise regularly, even very basic ones such as do-re-mi-fa-so-fa-mi-re-do. the point of the scales is firstly to warm up your voice, and subsequently as you try higher notes, to stretch your range.

other little tricks to help you reach higher notes include raising your eyebrows and tiptoe when you reach the higher notes as raising your eyebrows uses your face to help you use more head voice, and as you tiptoe, you will raise your upper torso, enabling your lungs to fill with more air to reach higher notes.

please feedback if these tips help you. cheers and good luck

Get singing lessons from a professional teacher.

Just wait for a month or 2.

sing harder

some people do vocal exercies to get rid of that they sound like dienig monkeys but they really work

You have to learn how to sing from your diaphram.
Not only will you be able to hit the higher notes but
your voice will sound more clear and it will be easier
to hit longer notes as well. I hope this helps. Good luck!

Get a vocal coach. Look in the phone book, or go to your local music store that gives lessons for a referral. Also, just because your voice is "different", doesn't mean it's "bad". Think of Janis Joplin.

drink some tea, and take a shower and let the warm water run down your throat id like to hear ur singin voice btw

see a music teacher.
but my brother sings and is AMAZING at it!! what he does is that he sings from his diaphram (under your lungs to push out air) and not from his throat. this gives him a more defined even tune and not raspy. if you sing from your throat your throat will hurt and could do damage in the long run.
thats just a tip and have fun singing!!

Keep practicing. Go through the tones you know like lalalala in high and low notes. Then let your voice rest for awhile and do it again. It will clear up. It is a matter of exercising you vocal cords.

Don't sing soprano songs. Sing alto songs. They don't have that many high notes and you'll probably sound better singing. Trust me. I know my stuff on singing. :)

Try surfing the net. ^_^
Im pretty sure there are thousands of guides and how to's to solve that kind of problem.
But if you really want to be a good singer as in like some pro or something, you should consider the option of having voice lessons and a pro teacher.
Goodluck! :)

some people like listening to a raspy voiced singer...if you can't hit the high notes, just ask for the song to be played in a lower key so you ARE able to hit them...any good musician can play a song in many different keys to accommodate the singer...good luck!!!