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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Opinions on Guitar Lessons.?

Question:There is a music store opening down the street, they have a special offer. the first 30 people who sign up for 6 months of lessons get a free guitar. my dad and i would like to take lessons together, it is something my dad has always wanted to do, the lessons are quite expensive and my parents are sending my sister to college. they said if i want to do the lessons i cannot get anything for my birthday (december 14th) and little for christmas....i dont know what i should do, i am a thirteen year old girl, the only instrument i play is the saxaphone...Should i do it?

Also~ i have to decide quickly, there are 5 guitars left.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There is a music store opening down the street, they have a special offer. the first 30 people who sign up for 6 months of lessons get a free guitar. my dad and i would like to take lessons together, it is something my dad has always wanted to do, the lessons are quite expensive and my parents are sending my sister to college. they said if i want to do the lessons i cannot get anything for my birthday (december 14th) and little for christmas....i dont know what i should do, i am a thirteen year old girl, the only instrument i play is the saxaphone...Should i do it?

Also~ i have to decide quickly, there are 5 guitars left.

You should go for it!!!!! Guitar is such a great instrument to play.

i LOVE playing guitar, i would do it. but it depends on how bad you want it? birthdays come every if you got that this year, you could get something different next year!! idk, but i think you should...only if you are willing to learn how to play and everything

ZOMG I play saxophone too! and Guitar = Awesomeness! even though I only have an acoustic but I say go for it if your gonna stick with it. If not you could try self teaching online

Think of why you want to play guitar. Are there songs/singers that you'd like to copy? Since you play saxaphone, you know that you have to be patient when learning a new instrument -- so will you have the time and the patience to practice? Learning chords is easy, but once you start working with the fretboard and playing bar chords, things get harder.

Another thought: if you do this, will your Dad do it too? It might be such a nice experience to do this together. Trust me -- when you are a lot older (like me, LOL), you might look back on the lessons with your Dad and think to yourself how great it was that you did that.

Saxophone. Only the best instrument in existence (I'm a classical Saxophonist, does it show?).

First thing you NEED to do is go talk to the teacher. See if you can arrange a simple sit down and talk with him/her. You need to make sure that you'll be able to learn from this person. A reasonable request would be to ask for a single lesson, or at least a few minutes for him/her to teach you something very basic.

If you like the way things go and if you think you can learn from this person, then go back to considering the pros/cons. The biggest thing you'll need to ask yourself is "Why do I want to learn this instrument?"

If the answer is because you like the kind of music that comes out of it, then you're perfect! All you need to play an instrument is devotion and passion! So make sure you have both!

However, if the answer is that you think it would make you cooler, or that it would be fun to play a few songs when your friends come over, then I can't in good faith recommend it. I've seen many people try instruments and fail because their intentions in starting the instrument weren't pure.

So to recap, make sure the teacher is good and then make sure that you really want to learn. If both of those match up, its a fool-proof plan and you should definitely go for it! Learning an instrument is one of the most exciting things in the world. And being able to participate in a musical experience is that much better.

Good luck!