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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What's the name of this suepr cool musical instrument?


In band rehearsal today, we played a piece that had a part for this really interesting instrument that I've never seen/heard of before. It's like a cymbal (about the size of a small plate) hanging on a string. The player hits the cymbal, and immediately lowers it into a bowl of water, which is part of the instrument. And it makes a very cool sound that reminds you of E.T. communication and the universe. Any idea what the instrument's called? (Yes, it's a legitimate instrument and it has a name, it's not one of those homemade toys)


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hi,

In band rehearsal today, we played a piece that had a part for this really interesting instrument that I've never seen/heard of before. It's like a cymbal (about the size of a small plate) hanging on a string. The player hits the cymbal, and immediately lowers it into a bowl of water, which is part of the instrument. And it makes a very cool sound that reminds you of E.T. communication and the universe. Any idea what the instrument's called? (Yes, it's a legitimate instrument and it has a name, it's not one of those homemade toys)


Like Daniel said, it could be any cymbal, though from your description I'd guess it's a crotale (sometimes called an "antique cymbal"), which is actually closer in character to an orchestra bell (glockenspiel) than a cymbal.

Very interesting!

I think the question is: what kind of cymbal/gong is it? You can dip anything you want into a bucket of water. I've seen scores call for a triangle to be struck and dipped into water. I think the easy way to answer this question is to go up to the percussionist and ask him.