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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What is a Maxtone Soprano Saxophone worth???

Question:I own a maxtone soprano sax. It is in perfect condition and has only been played a couple of times. I am thinking about selling it since I don't play anymore and Christmas and tuition is just around the corner. I have tried to do some research but have not come up with anything useful. I would really appreciate any info on it.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I own a maxtone soprano sax. It is in perfect condition and has only been played a couple of times. I am thinking about selling it since I don't play anymore and Christmas and tuition is just around the corner. I have tried to do some research but have not come up with anything useful. I would really appreciate any info on it.

I have never heard of a Maxtone brand instrument. I do a lot of research into brands and quality of saxophones, so if I haven't heard of it, it usually doesn't mean it is a good brand. I've done some searches of the largest saxophone forum, and anything I've found with their name says they are not that great. I would not expect to be able to get much for it. You might be able to get a gullible/know nothing person to take if off your hands for $500, but I doubt it. I'd guess you'd only get maybe $200 at the max.