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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How should I determine what Instrument to play???? Any tips???

Question:Whichever one you find yourself, sharing your love for music the most! The instrument should be a part of you, and what you feel about music!! ... When you find that part of yourself and the instrument, you will know!

Much Love
Peace & Happiness

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Whichever one you find yourself, sharing your love for music the most! The instrument should be a part of you, and what you feel about music!! ... When you find that part of yourself and the instrument, you will know!

Much Love
Peace & Happiness

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  • kyndel J's Avatar by kyndel J
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  • violyn

    I'm learning to play the guitar, its relatively straightforward. I know how to play the drums, its a good thing to do.

    But if i had to choose I would trade for the ability to play a chello, call me crazy.

    A really fun way is to get peoples opinion on what you look best playing. but really it all comes down to what you fell you can express yourself the most easily/beautifully with. Good hunting, though.

    You physical attributes as well as mental do play a factor.

    If you are physically fit and energetic AND have a good sense of rythim then Drums be the instrument for you.

    If you have excellent lung capacity and a little bit of strength, Wind instruments could be your thing. Your strength will determine which instrument you can hold.. .A tuba is a heavy monster you need to be quite strong to play it throughout a whole song.

    If you are sedate, dont have much lung capacity, have troubles learning more complex motions then keyboard is for you. If your sedate but can learn complex motions pipe organs could also fit you, as organ music requires ALOT of coordination. Generally though keyboard does not.

    IF you LOVE complex puzzles and moves then perhaps guitar, violin or cello fits you. At first the logic behind getting multiple sounds out of these instruments is difficult to work out but with practise you can master.

    Hope this is helpful

    guitar or piano