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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Alto Sax. Is Keilwerth a good brand?

Question:Is the brand Keilwerth a good brand for an alto sax? The "Shadow" version, that is... Is it really worth $5,688.00 ?? Is there anywhere I can get it for less? Please DONT say ebay.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Is the brand Keilwerth a good brand for an alto sax? The "Shadow" version, that is... Is it really worth $5,688.00 ?? Is there anywhere I can get it for less? Please DONT say ebay.

Yes, Keilwerth is a high quality brand. Is the "Shadow" model worth the extra cost? That depends on the player. Keilwerth pretty much sticks to just advanced/professional level instruments, so the differences between all of the models are very minimal. Usually it is the finish/metal content, and maybe some very slight key position differences. Some people really like the sound they get from a nickel body/black nickel plating. Some people don't. Some prefer silver. At the professional/advanced level, it is all about personal taste, and nothing about what the masses say. So is it worth that amount? It will depend on the player if they feel that they get an exceptionally good and different sound from that instrument as compared to others. If they do feel that way, then I guess it is worth it. You might be able to get it less through a store. Do a search through the link below to find stores near you that are dealers. Then call them and ask them if they have any in stock that you can try. Ask them what price/deal they may be able to give you for it. Play the instrument before you buy it though. After all, if you have to buy it first, and you don't like it, that price is obviously not worth it.
And the first guy is completely ignorant. He is comparing a Yamaha 23, which is a basic student model, against instruments that are much higher quality. The second guy is right in that you should try first, but Jupiter is not as high of a quality of maker as Keilwerth. Selmer is a great brand too, but again, what brand a saxophonist chooses at the advanced/professional level is all about personal taste.

Personally, I stick with Yamaha...[Yas-23]
If you want a good band go ask a band director not people on yahoo answers.

Well, jupiters look really nice but i'd go for a bach/selmer or yamaha, and $5,688.00!, no don't do it. Try going to a music store, if it sucks try <---good deals.

Last very important thing, play it before buying it, if they don't let you don't get it.(website doesn't count)