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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How do you hit a double high C on trumpet?

Question:I get two notes away and then I cant go any higher and my lips won't move for a little bit. Any techniques?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I get two notes away and then I cant go any higher and my lips won't move for a little bit. Any techniques?

Hello high note player. I've been playing trumpet for 41 years and I am still working on consistancy on extream high range. Since every body is is built slightly different regarding size and shape, I'll tell you that it is an adventure still figuring out how to play well at age 50, regardless of high notes. My point is that it is always about basic tone and air suport without too much pressure which shuts down the air flow and good tone.
If you hit the wall at the A under the double C, you have joined a vast club of overcomers who work to play above that. Welcome to my world. By the way, it's not the mouthpiece. It's the air and the lips rolling inward, not squished together and pressed by extra pressure.
Puff your lips slightly and roll the center inward. Don't use too much pressure. Start this at high C, D, E , F, and G. The A is nothing more than a lipped up G. It gets scientifically crazy up there with note slotting (look that up).
Happy Hunting,

I have been playing trumpet for 13 years and this is what I do. It takes lots of air to reach a high C so take a deep breath, tighten the stomach, and maintain control. If that doesn't work. What size of a mouth piece do you use? The standard size that comes with your trumpet is a 7C which has a wider opening. The smaller the number 5C, 3C, the smaller the opening. The smaller you go the easier it is to reach the higher notes. It goes the same if you need to reach lower notes. Get a larger mouth piece. The mouth piece doesn't cost to much just check out different web sites to compare prices. My favorite brand is the Bach. Good luck and I hope you get it. Practice, Practice, Practice.