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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What song should I sing for a high school musical audition?

Question:i need to sing 30 seconds of it. im a girl. prefferably not a hsm song.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i need to sing 30 seconds of it. im a girl. prefferably not a hsm song.

Here are a few:

"I Enjoy Being a Girl" from Flower Drum Song
"There's No Business Like Show Business" from Annie Get Your Gun
"I Am Sixteen" from The Sound of Music
"I'm Just a Girl Who Can't Say No" from Oklahoma
"Can't Help Lovin That Man of Mine" from Show Boat
"Memory" from Cats

I would pick something that would show my my case I have a two octave singable range, so I would want to pick something that would show this off. In the song "There's No Business Like Show Business" is a good song since it has me making octave jumps quickly, which would show my ability to change from chest voice to a higher note with no major difference in power. Identify your strengths and pick something that will show that off...good luck, or as we say in the theater, break a leg!!

Ok... you are a girl.. what is your voice range? Are you an alto or soprano?

try a song by an artist that has the same singing talents as you. that always works out well. sing the chorus or a favorite verse.

well sing a song that:
1. Your good at.
2. You know all the words or at least the part your gonna sing.
3. A song that matches the sound of your voice.
4. A song that you've gotten compliments on.

Also is this for the movie or just a school play?