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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I am a solo musician. How to I get permission to cover other peoples songs?

Question:Do you mean to perform or record? If you are just performing them you don't need permission. If you mean to record cover tunes, then folllow Roberts advice.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Do you mean to perform or record? If you are just performing them you don't need permission. If you mean to record cover tunes, then folllow Roberts advice.

Find out who has the rights to the song, contact them and ask them for permission in writing.

If you're performing a song live, most clubs and professional places are registered with a performance rights collection agency, and you'd be all set. To record, you need to get a mechanical license. That may sound hard and scary, but most well-known songs are registered with the Harry Fox agency. You look up your song, register, and pay your anticipated royalties, which are based on the number of copies you plan to make.