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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Learning to play the electric guitar, how hard is it?

Question:took me about 1 year to be able to play some good lead stuff
but others are faster and some are way slower
and when i say way slower i mean way slower
you need to practice to get good
you cant just by a guitar and think youll automatically get better
idk why some people think that

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: took me about 1 year to be able to play some good lead stuff
but others are faster and some are way slower
and when i say way slower i mean way slower
you need to practice to get good
you cant just by a guitar and think youll automatically get better
idk why some people think that

Depends on how strong your passion to master electric guitar is and how disciplined you are to pratice it for hours and hours on each free moment you have....for a couple of years.

If you're strongly dedicatedly disciplined to master electric guitar, you'll soon discover you CAN jam with the best of 'em!!

Play until your fingers bleed and then play some more. It takes years to learn and a life time to master. Ive been playing for 11 years and I am by no means a great guitar player. However, if you love it... then you will just keep playing anyway. Thats how it should be... dont look for profit... look to be happy.

Everywhere you go there are guitar players! It seems that way for me. The electric guitar is easy to learn to play. You should first learn to play the acoustic correctly with all of the fundamentals, then when youve done that move on to the electric guitar it will be a breeze. Oh yeah, almost forgot, you will also need "the pick of destiny" to be a true rock legend!

it depends how good you want to get. It takes awhile to get GOOD at guitar.