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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I have to write a play called shadows so it can be anything to do with shadows a

Question:you can interpret 'shadows' anyway you want. within reason though

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: you can interpret 'shadows' anyway you want. within reason though

Here is a thought. How about this.

The play starts off with a murder of this normal guy. The cops have no clue who did it and how it happened. The play then rewinds to the beginning with a the ordinary guy going through his normal day. He is a guy with a good heart, but offends people unknowingly. As the guy is going through each scene of his day offending people, have the real culprit or culprits, who's face is hidden in the shadows, narrateing how this ordinary guy has unknowingly offended him/her/them and plotting his demise. It should become obvious who it is by the middle of the play and then you show the face of the culprit and how it happens.

That is my interpretation. The shadows of the heart and the shadows creeping upon the main character's life.

Key figure: lives alone, dull, meaningless existance so he/she lives in the shadows of others. Watching others and trying to imagine their happiness, sorrow, etc. In the end, he/she realizes that they have wasted their entire life instead of living their life to the fulliest? Good luck with your play.

Damn the two answers before mine were so good!!! I would maybe consider something light-hearted. If this is an assigment that a group of people were given, I am guessing that most people will write something dark.

It may be silly but I would truly take it to the basic definition of a shadow and have an entire play performed in shadows, like behind a screen? Would save you a lot of effort on costuming etc. ;)

Write how shadows feel jealous because they can't make any moves on their own. They want to break free and be independent!! Good luck

If it were me I'd write about the 'shadow side' of your personality i.e. the bad bits people are scared to confront and how when you confront them things get easier. Maybe that's taking the interpretation a bit too far though.