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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What do you guys think of the Yamaha YTS-62II Tenor sax?

Question:I am thinking about buying a tenor sax, and I have read many good things about the YTS-62II. What do you think of it?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am thinking about buying a tenor sax, and I have read many good things about the YTS-62II. What do you think of it?

It was one of the horns I was considering when I upgraded my tenor. I found a better deal with another horn, but it is a great quality instrument.

My experience is that Yamaha makes a good middle of the road horn. A good choice for someone looking for a decent instrument without spending an excessive amount of money.

I'm not a sax player, I'm a bassoonist that sits in front of the saxes in my band lol, but my best friend plays sax and he really likes his Yamaha Custom Z, and our director says its a really good if this sax you're lookin at is a step up from the Custom Z, go for it!! If not, I really dunno what to tell you...

Yamaha is a pretty descent brand and their not over priced

I play the alto sax and own a Selmer Aristocrat and a Jean Baptiste the Selmer is better but the Baptiste is still pretty nice