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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I want to make money fast... I kinda wanna be famous too, how do I do it??

Question:I like singing and I might not be a good actor but I also like it!
I dont know what else to do. I wanna make it big, I never seem to have money... So I really cant invest on anything... and I want money... lots of it, I need it!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I like singing and I might not be a good actor but I also like it!
I dont know what else to do. I wanna make it big, I never seem to have money... So I really cant invest on anything... and I want money... lots of it, I need it!

You probably don't know that being rich and famous, in and of itself, doesn't make people happy. Read Donald Trump's autobiography sometime--he comes right out and says that he's driven to be rich, famous, and in the company of beautiful women because he's sure no one would respect him otherwise.

The people who are happy PLUS rich and famous are the ones who got their wealth and fame as a side benefit to doing something they loved to do anyway. Bill Gates was just fascinated by computers when he was at Harvard--accounts were he'd do computers until he was exhausted, sleep for a few hours, go get a pizza, and then do computers until he was exhausted again. Dave Matthews and his band were quite happy being regionally successful musicians in Virginia. One gets the impression that most celebrity chefs (Anthony Bourdain, Emeril, Rachel Ray) are dyed-in foodies who would be cooking and talking up a storm whether or not a camera was on.

So ask yourself what it is you love doing. And then find a way to make your living at it. If the stars align, you may be able to exploit a big break and become a celebrity. If not, at least you get to make a living doing what you like to do--unlike so many people who hate their jobs but keep doing them for the money alone.

why not try out for idol !
trying out is free, as far as i no anyway.., and if you make it big your rich and famous.

Think of an idea. Get a patent on it. Sell it to a big company for millions. Don't know how you can become famous. maybe display your talents on one of those websites for exposure. Good luck.

maybe you can be the new hot dog eating champ
start off with eating alot of hot dogs under a doctors care and the sky is the limit after that
Good luck
and God bless your future hot dog eating!

there is no shortcuts to making money fast,,,,,
and are u sure u wanna be famous ?

Do you think if any of us had the secret to quick riches and fame, we'd be sitting around her idling away our time on Yahoo Answers???

There's no magic bullet. Riches come from either hard work or fanastically good luck. Fame comes the same way.

Work hard! Or, good luck!

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