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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Piano recital in 3 hours!?

Question:My parents are pushing me to take piano ever since 4th grade and said i can't quit until i grad which is in 3 years. Anyways I'm level 5 and doing intrada and sweet sorrow.
What can i do to calm the nerves and make sure i dont' screw up?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My parents are pushing me to take piano ever since 4th grade and said i can't quit until i grad which is in 3 years. Anyways I'm level 5 and doing intrada and sweet sorrow.
What can i do to calm the nerves and make sure i dont' screw up?

I would stop practicing since it's only in 3 hours. Just trust that you know it well enough and that you'll be fine. Last-minute practicing only makes you more nervous.

Also, don't worry about the recital. It's just one recital, most people watching won't even notice your mistakes, and if you do make them, no one will remember afterwards. You'll do great :D

have a beer


breathe :] you'll do fine.

take deep breaths, and focus.
when you get to the recital, just relax your mind and focus on the music :)

Be serious. I suggest listening to the Beatles.

Breath in and out and say it's going 2 b ok!

Stop thinking about it. Do something totally different and unrelated to piano. Also take a shot before you perform.

Take a walk outside somewhere. Breathe and think about pleasant thoughts.

remember, you've been playing for
a while, you will impress your audience

practice slow songs then try faster and faster as you go

Have confidence in your ability. Stay focused take a deep breath and make like there is no one else in the room.

Enjoy what you do and good luck!

girl calm down its ok jus think tat no one is there when u there dont look at the crord look at the keys ND WHILE UR AT HOME LISTEN TO CALM MUSIC

dont be nervous.. there's a first time 4 everything..i'd just go over you pieces a couple more times, and then on ur way there do them in ur head.. a hot shower and great outfit could maybe help 2.. but again, dont be woried, GOOD LUCK!!

to not mess up the only thing you can do is practice until you are able to play it completly without thinking
to calm down just breath really deep. think about other things. try physical activity to calm down.
when your out there, just clear your mind of EVERYTHING except the music, and keep ahead of what your playing, know what to do next before you do it.

Stay calm, take deep breaths things will go you way. take a relaxing bath.
Best of luck. :))))

While you are waiting to perform, just relax. Don't think about the solo coming up, just think of a soothing situation in your mind. Listen to some good calming music. Try to find something to laugh at; reading some of these questions will do! When you are waiting to play, breathe deeply, in your nose and out your mouth. Then, while playing, pretend you are all alone practicing where no one can hear you; just tune the audience out. Focus all of your energy into hitting those right notes. And if you do make a mistake, just keep playing. Most of the audience won't even know it!

If you can play the piano with your eyes closed: Close your eyes and pretend you were playing it to whatever person you feel more comfortable with
If you can't play the piano with your eyes closed: Do the same thing except instead of closing your eyes focus them on the keys (the white things with the black thing in the middle)

um dont 4get ta breath and think of the applause thats gonna surround you.instead of all the crazy nervousness you got,trade it for excitment youll love it.and think how proud the rents will be..

do some exercises. This always helps me relieve stress. If you don't have time for a cardio workout, just go for a walk with your dog or mp3 player and zone out for awhile. Knock 'em dead!

Go getem' tiger. You can do it.

I know you have probably heard this a thousand times before, but they are only trying to do what is best for you. You will actually thank them one day for pushing you. Mine did the same to me, also with piano. I am glad now, but wasn't always in school! Level 5 huh? Doing Great! I am certain this is not your first recital, not being a level 5. When you get there, everything will fall into place and you will go into recital/concert mode : } and everything will be fine! Good Luck Dear, but most of all HAVE FUN!!!

First, take deep breaths. I play piano too and I know how stressful it is playing for other people. (I don't always like it and yes, my mom is forcing me to do it too...) Try to practice a little at a time, instead of cramming in ten hours of practicing. Also, after you really know the piece, sit back and try to play it without looking at the music. This really helps me because I end up always depending on the music. This helps with your concentration. Then, if you ready, try playing it with your eyes closed. I always feel closer to the music this way. When your playing at your recital, make believe your still practicing and just focus. If you're really good, playing in front of others shouldn't fase you. Good luck!

You won't screw up. You have practiced and know the pieces and will do very well.

Have fun.

All I can say is try to pretend that your in your own home just practicing....I know that's easier said then done....I play classical guitar, and I have the same thing....Barbara Streisand has this also, and to this day still hasn't gotten over I guess if you have this bad there is no cure !!!!!! Good luck to you, try to block everyone out, and try not to take it to seriously, other wise you'll feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders, try to have fun with it, if you make a mistake so's not the end of the world, and most people wouldn't know anyway, they'll think that your playing it that way, pretend you are, and smile !!!!!!!!!!!