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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What does classically trained mean?

Question:as for pianos etc .. the techer was classically trained ? or they just plyed opera music classical music

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: as for pianos etc .. the techer was classically trained ? or they just plyed opera music classical music

Classically trained usually refers to someone who has had a solid grounding in the technique of the instrument. And years of lessons. What most people refer to as "classical music" is, in fact, not classical music - the Classical period in music was from about 1740-1820 and included composers like Mozart and Haydn. Bach was not classical, for example. Opera music can be classical (Mozart wrote a lot of operas) but there are many Romantic and Baroque operas as well. Classically trained artists can usually play anything, whereas light music artists can't switch over to serious music. In dancing you need to do ballet before you can switch over to modern dancing and do it properly.

It means what is says on the tin.........they were trained in "classical" technique

It should mean trained by a classical teacher but it actually means trained to play classical music.

I presume it means you were trained at a reknowned Music college....rather than by the local piano teacher, or being self taught..

It means that they didn't go to a music store to learn there instrument, they probably went somewhere like Curtis in Philly , or Julliard in New York, they learn everything about music including theory, reading music, they usually play more then one instrument, and usually are trained in classical music, people like Yo Yo MA, Liona Boyd, John Williams, Julian Bream, Pavarotti, Murray Perahia, were all classically trained....they were all taught by people with masters degrees in music. And as I've said they are taught music in college, not a music store or with a private teacher !!!!!!!!

It means that they were trained PROPERLY in a bona fide music college and have spent many long hours studying the theory and practice of music and been through numerous exams, tests and concerts in order to achieve the necessary standards - and not trained by that bloke round the corner who gives piano lessons at five quid an hour ! ! !

trained in classical music techniques and theory..may mean 'bel canto' for singers or standard classical music. most musicians train this way..they can read music and take exams and go to music college..usually also means they are more professional than amateur..hope that helps