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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What is the easiest way to learn how to play the electric guitar?

Question:i am a new learner and would love to play, but i dont know how to or were to start! any ideas?
thanks x

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i am a new learner and would love to play, but i dont know how to or were to start! any ideas?
thanks x

You might try the Internet and see if there are any free guitar lesson available.

I got this next link by typing "free guitar lessons for beginners" into my Google slot. Suggest you try same and select a few.

Good luck.

Guitar for beginners and beyond - Free online guitar lessonsGuitar for beginners - Kirk Lorange's plain English guitar instruction site.

i use the mop in the kitchen when no one is looking

There are some great sites on the web. Thinking of trying it myself

learn the Pentatonic scales.

I took lessons for 4 years. They will teach you every form of music, classical, rock (pentatonic blues), theory, Hispanic (melguaina is an assume form of rock solo) You need to learn the basics before you can step to the next level.

Find a teacher for a while, until you learn the basics- fingering, how to read tabs, etc., then when you feel you can start to play other songs, get rid of the teacher. If you fail miserably, then you can always go crawling back :)

in this day and age you don't learn to play just plug it in and bang a way not like in my day
