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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Where can I get my flute headjoint engraved?

Question:I already know about Fluteworld, but I don't like their designs very much. Are there any other RELIABLE websites that offer flute engraving services? (List prices too please!)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I already know about Fluteworld, but I don't like their designs very much. Are there any other RELIABLE websites that offer flute engraving services? (List prices too please!)

Any GOOD flute repair shop/flute sales shop will do engraving. It depends on where you live an how far you want to ship your flute. Fluteworld has fairly standardized designs. I believe they (or anyone else) would be able to customize to the design you have in mind. This will probably be a little more expensive than your standard engraving. Many places will do it, even if it is not listed on their web sites. You could try:

Try contacting your repair person or the place you purchased your flute to see if they recommend anyone. None of them list prices, but I believe they will engrave headjoints. I would suggest actually calling places and explaining to the person exactly what you want. They could give you the best ideas on pricing or recommend someone who is reputable to do the work.

Please, for the sake of your flute, go to someone who specializes in flutes. Otherwise they could damage the barrel or the riser and the tone would never be the same.

Call a couple of trophy and engraving shops in your town and see what they say.