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Position:Home>Performing Arts> So I do Winter Guard or Winter Percussion?

Question:Okay so I've done winter guard for three years (one jr.guard and 2 actual years) I'm really good at and I haven't dropped anything in any show for over a year but the rest of my team is not quite as tallented. And we don't win anything but the percussion is locall the best. I'm really tired of losing when I work as hard as I do. The dirrectors for the percussion will teach us all we need to know but I've never played and instrument and I can't read music very well yet. My best friend is in the guard but the guy I like is in the percussion. I've always wanted to play the snare though. I just don't know what to do because I love guard but I'm tired of the percussion rubbing there wins in our faces!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Okay so I've done winter guard for three years (one jr.guard and 2 actual years) I'm really good at and I haven't dropped anything in any show for over a year but the rest of my team is not quite as tallented. And we don't win anything but the percussion is locall the best. I'm really tired of losing when I work as hard as I do. The dirrectors for the percussion will teach us all we need to know but I've never played and instrument and I can't read music very well yet. My best friend is in the guard but the guy I like is in the percussion. I've always wanted to play the snare though. I just don't know what to do because I love guard but I'm tired of the percussion rubbing there wins in our faces!

Hmm, toughie. I've never done percussion, but I am on colorguard and am planning to do winter guard.

If your tired of the percussion rubbing it in, that doesn't mean you should join them. If you did it to rub it in, that's just plain rude to your friends on the guard. If they rub it in just ignore them, it's all in good fun.

As for the music problem... I guess if the director is teaching you what you need to know it's okay, but I hope your a fast learner.

A word of advise, never join something just because of a friend, join it because you really love it and have fun with it. If you join just to hang out with your friend or the guy you like, it's definitely not the right motivation. Trust me, you'll make plenty of friends whichever you choose, and that doesn't mean you can't hang out with your other friends.

Hey, I know how you feel when you do all of this hard work for months and hardly get any credit. I get annoyed with that too, but I stick to my team because I love doing what we do and I have fun for those few minutes we're on the field, and I feel it's worth it once we all collapse out of the audience's sight.

Choose what you really want to go with and what you think you'll have the most fun with. Screw the trophies, you know you deserve them all.

Do you think it will be fair to the percs that are talented.
You will be their weakest link.

stick with guard. try to help the others become as good as you are. and how bad would you feel if you were on perc. and the guard began to win stuff?