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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Vocal Chords?

Question:I think i have damaged my vocal chords, when i sing in my chest voice its fine, but certain chords in my head voice are all broken up and out of pitch when i sing them.... is there anyway to possibly fix this?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think i have damaged my vocal chords, when i sing in my chest voice its fine, but certain chords in my head voice are all broken up and out of pitch when i sing them.... is there anyway to possibly fix this?

Sarah's answer was good, but there is another possibility - tone placement. Find a teacher who understands what that is and sing for him/her to determine if that's an issue. If you feel the tone vibrating in your throat, it's placed wrong. The vibration should be in the front of your face, otherwise it can damage the vocal chords. I had this problem, too until I found a teacher who helped me with it. Once I had the tone placed correctly my vocal range increased by more than an octave! I can also sing for hours without any strain to my throat.

Reading your additional details.....there is a chance that you may have damaged them especially if you do a lot of radio singing, also. This has happened to me also (and I do not have acid reflux).

I'd suggest singing scales even if only gently at first. I wouldn't try belting loud notes out. Scales have actually helped me get my higher notes back, but if you feel it is acid reflux like the other answerer suggests, see a doctor to get a professional opinion and maybe even a prescription if it's bad.

I had this problem when I was in College, when i would sing my top notes they cracked a bit. I went to a doctor and he informed me that it was probably Acid Reflux. He said that since I didn't get heart burn or anything that it was probably happening at night.

Try sleeping with your head proped up slightly.
Also avoid eating foods that contain a lot of Acid such as oranges and tomatoes (ketchup)

And drink LOTS of WATER!!!!

Do you take voice lessons? If not you may just need a couple coaching lessons to teach you how to sing with out straining yourself.

Sarah R is right on. Listen to her. ;)