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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Clarinetists that can play opening of Rhapsody in Blue, Gershwin?

Question:I was wondering if anyone can do it on here and how do you find is the easiest way to achieve the glissando?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I was wondering if anyone can do it on here and how do you find is the easiest way to achieve the glissando?

You've gotta start with just chromatic fingerings until you're above the break, up to the D (fourth line). From the D you slowly bring all your fingers off their holes SIMULTANEOUSLY until you're up to high C. You've gotta modify your embouchure and keep your air steady in order to have the sound continue. You can start practicing this technique from G (right on top of the staff) up to the C. If that doesn't work for you try the top space E up the the top of staff G. Build the entire gliss by patching these together.

I personally, can't do it, well, probably, I've never tried but it sounds hard, anyway. Try,when approaching the first break (that is, the G sharp, A and B flat keys in the middle), just rolling your wrist slightly to make it a bit smoother. Also, try playing it in dotted rhythms both ways, that is, first note long, second short, and then do it first short, second long.

Good luck.