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Question:i always do performance on stage...but i still get there a tip on how to overcome stage fright

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i always do performance on stage...but i still get there a tip on how to overcome stage fright

I am an oboist and I still get occasionally nervous when performing.....but think of it as a good thing because it means that you have the energy available to channel into the performance, and that it means enough to you that you get nervous! I have a lot of techniques I come back to often to help:

* pretend you are writing your own review: if you want to demonstrate your ability to perform a range of characters, then do it! If you want to demonstrate your range of dynamics, then do it! (thinking in terms of music here but applies to all performing arts)
* work especially hard at the beginning of your work/works.....if you know exactly (I mean really clearly) what you want to communicate at the beginning, or how you want it to go, and you can do it really convincingly, your audience will be drawn in more and you settle into the performance quicker
* keep working at your technique - the more secure this is, the less likely it will falter if you start to get nervous
* remember that your audience isn't against you, they are on your side!!!! They want to see you perform!!!!
* from a medical point of view, you can access medication known as beta-blockers, which slow your heart-rate, but do some research as some can affect your breathing if you are asthmatic
* if you ever get negative inner voices, say "NO" to yourself immediately, and don't take them seriously, in fact, remember that they are a function of your nervousness and aren't necessary at all to you
* perform as often as you can - it does get easier the more you do it
* realise that the performance that you are about to do is never the "ultimate" is a stepping stone, and if you feel as if you are a failure if you don't do well then you are forgetting that it is ONLY one performance out of many more you will have in the rest of your life
* breathing deeply before a performance will always clear your mind and slow your heart rate

Hope this helps! All the best ;)

Contrary to common belief, bravery is NOT the absence of fear. Bravery is knowing you are afraid and doing what is right anyway. Just know that you are doing by choice what it is your calling to do, and get out there. Your audience needs you as much as you need them!

Just be Cool Dear!! I know when I was seven years old and I had to perform on stage live in front of a 12 hundred crowd, someone gave me a very special advice... He said that imagine all the people sitting in front of u are donkeys and u r the only human being... It was naughty but it was a confidence booster and I performed quiet well.. So the thing is that u just go on the stage, relax, wait for a minute or so and have a deep look at right and left and the center... After a thorough look start Ur performance... Besides its all about practice... The more u perform, the more confident u will get... Go out there and show them all Buddy!!

The object is to get the attention outside yourself. Any way you can do that will help you overcome stage fright. Depending on the type of performance--acting, stand-up, giving a speech, there are different things you can focus on, but the main thing is not to focus on yourself since it makes you feel self-conscious. One suggestion is to think of which of the five senses do you have particular sensitivity to. If it's visual, for example, you can try looking at something or someone, if it's aural, listening may help. But ultimately it's all about focusing outward--lots of different techniques to develop that skill

The more you get up there the better you get.
Everybody feels nervous but know what your doing and get up there.

something I learned in drama was to go running or to meditate right before a big performance.