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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How long does it take to learn to play a piano?

Question:and which one is harder piano or electric guitar?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: and which one is harder piano or electric guitar?

Minutes to learn; a lifetime to master. Just like Othello!

The piano is harder to become adept at.

IT takes forever to learn piano unless it comes naturally to you. I did it for two years and it took me 6 months to memorize happy birthday which I promptly forgot. I would do Electric guitar. Idk if its harder but it would be wayyy more fun and you can play songs that are newer and not by dead people.

Only you can answer that question. How long does it usually take to learn an instrument?

how long is that piece of thread in your pocket?,I know theres one in there,guess you'll have to pull it out to find out huh?

A lifetime.