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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Is learning to play by ear doable for everyone with enough practice?

Question:Just curious to hear some opinions. I know some people can't even keep a beat, forget play an instrument by ear. Do you think it is possible with enough practice?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Just curious to hear some opinions. I know some people can't even keep a beat, forget play an instrument by ear. Do you think it is possible with enough practice?

Practise doesn't have much to do with it. You have to develope a "feel" for it. If you aren't a genius savant and are ordinary people like most of us... a good way to begin is to learn chord structures and progressions ..... all music comes from that. You can easily improvise any tune, once the progresssions and patterns are automatic to you.

Yeah, but it will take a long time, it will be less tedious if you just learn how to count. Its hard at first but its worth it

Playing by ear can be improved by practicing. Though, some people are better at it than others because they have a "natural" talent for it. Also it depends on what kind of teacher you have if you're taking lessons. My brother and I started to take piano lessons at the same time. His teacher taught him mostly by ear and mines by sight.
If you want to learn by ear, I would recommend finding a teacher that teaches ear training, but you can also listen to some easy songs than have a basic bass line. If you pick up that part, the right hand will follow. My brother's now a professional piano teacher (ear and sight training) and he teaches me.
Hope This Helped. :-)