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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Best way to learn to play drums?

Question:so im in my early 20s and i really wanna learn drums. just wondering what i need to know about finding a tutor and how long it'll take for me to become good. also, is not owning a drum kit at home a big problem? or are there places i can go to practice? x

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: so im in my early 20s and i really wanna learn drums. just wondering what i need to know about finding a tutor and how long it'll take for me to become good. also, is not owning a drum kit at home a big problem? or are there places i can go to practice? x

you should probably get a kit, even if its a cheap one. Once you have the goods just play and play and play. The quickest way to learn is to just take a crash course. Get together with someone who can play guitar and have them play any songs they know. Timing is the most important aspect of percussion. Knowing how long it takes to make the sound you want on the drum will make playing easier. Start small with simple beats if necessary and build it up. Playing the drums gets better as your abilities become more fine tuned. Don't give up!

Go to the closest Musical instrument store. They nearly always have instructors.

Well when I was 8 I started playing, I'm 12 now, been playing for 4 years then. I'm on grade 5, and apparently grade 3 is high enough to pass your GCSE music.

Check in your local phone book or whatever for music tutors. I've had my drum kit for a few years and it's in my bedroom, and I'm telling you my bedroom is SMALL! Also, if you need somewhere to practice, check your phone book again; you never know what you can find. You could also check on the internet as wekk,

With the "how long will it take me to get good?", I'd say around 2 years, but it depends if you're a natural etc. it takes a lot of coordination and practice to become alright.

Good luck with it all.

in a field..

sorry.. we run a music workshop in coventry... and we found the only way is to use a yamaha type dd55 and headphones... but it isnt a proper drum kit...

ion electronic kits are rubbish, no feel, slow response and they fall apart.. (roland alesis and yamaha do good uns)

and if it a real kit, you can buy silencer pads... and get used ot saying sorry to the (long suffering) neighbours.

daughters hubby is a drummer. he practices down in the cellar... and it can take 6months, or longer to learn... or you may pick it up in a few weeks... (im always the optimist)

if its something to do in your spare time i would suggest teaching yourself but your would really need a kit, time taken to become good really depends on if you have commitment, co-ordination and Patience

You could start by using yamaha electronic pads-you can get them from argos UK & look up yamaha website-you can play along to songs at various levels,then replay your playing.
You should also learn basics of drumming techniques-

Yes, you must own a drum kit to get good at playing. They don't have to be great, but they have to be available. Next step is to find a drum teacher you can relate to. It's gotta be fun or you won't do it. Then you need a group of guys who need a drummer and are just a bit better player than you, so you have to work to keep up. I've been playing for a very long time and I think each of these things are absolute truths. As to how long to get good, your playing will reach certain plateau's where you'll be pretty satisfied with what you're doing, then it'll pass and once again you'll think your playing sucks and (hopefully) you'll practice like hell to make that feeling go away.