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Position:Home>Performing Arts> My favorite songs, mostly, are from broadway musicals, what category am I?

Question:I am not a hiphopping rapper or a acid rock puner, i am sure. I love the movie "Breakfast at Tiffinay's" and Johnny Mercer, what does that make me? What category are you? Are you a hiphopper?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am not a hiphopping rapper or a acid rock puner, i am sure. I love the movie "Breakfast at Tiffinay's" and Johnny Mercer, what does that make me? What category are you? Are you a hiphopper?

We are in the same boat. Around town I'm knwo as the showtune Girl. No one listens to my iPod at partys, adn my friends have atken to makeing CD's for my partys. All that's on my iPod is preaty much Broadway and it sounds as though your the same as me. I'd say that it would be classified as Showtune/Broadway/Classical. hope I was helpful, I'm not much into lables so it was difficult to put you in one.