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Question:I think i don't have such a bad voice but its just so hard for me to hit highnotes, any ideas?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think i don't have such a bad voice but its just so hard for me to hit highnotes, any ideas?

I recently took a short, one-time voice lesson with a man from the University of Northern Iowa Opera Department. He said showed me this technique. It may not work for you since I sing opera and I'm not really sure about your background. He showed me how to move my mouth shape making it easier to hit higher notes. My range is usually to an Eb just above middle C, but with this technique I hit an F# in full operatic voice!

This is one of the ways. Say if your vowel note is "eh," then instead of singing "eh," you sing "ehr" like in "fur." This really helped me. If you are singing "ah," then try singing "aeh." To you, the sound may be the wrong vowel, but the audience will hear "eh" or "ah."

Hope this helps!

don't push your voice! your voice is probably still growing, so don't hurt yourself. if you are serious about singing, try and get voice lessons. your teacher will get to know your voice, in which case it will be safe for you to extend your range in the way s/he suggests.
if lessons are out of the question, then be patient. your voice will mature and high notes will come more easily. one exercise that may be beneficial to you: lip trills. Lip trills are also called "buzzing" and they're basically when you let your lips vibrate on a "b" sound.

Good luck!

Your vocal chords are like any muscle. The more you work them out, the better they work. Keep reaching that high note. You may not get it today, but you will get it. And when you get that one, go a step higher. And one very important thing when you are doing this is to do some breathing exercises before you start. It's like warming up before running. Deep breaths, hold them, force them out with your diaphragm. And practice letting out air in front of a candle without blowing it out. That will give you control and power.

Have fun.

If you can afford singing lessons, go for them - but make sure it's a good teacher. They'll help you develop your voice safely. If lessons are not an option, first rule in singing is breathing. Breathe into your diaphragm (stomach if you don't know the term), and breathe in deeply. I'm taught to generally breathe in through the nose so that I don't get the gasping sound. Make sure your chest and shoulders don't move. Do vocal warm-ups, they prevent you from damaging your cords by trying to strain them before they're warmed-up. When reaching for high notes, think 'down' and open instead of up. Consciously think of your abdominal area expanding as you go for high notes. Also imagine yourself sitting on top of the note instead of reaching up to it. This will help you support your voice properly instead of singing through your throat. And it helps you in hitting those notes as well. Always make sure that you don't tense up while singing high notes. A good visualisation I use is to imagine myself opening up my chest cavity. Hitting high notes take time, don't rush yourself into doing it. Tell yourself you can do it instead of 'it's too high'.