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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What is good for my voice...i sing a lot... what should i do?


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I was actually at a vocal therapists office yesterday, having my larynx & vocal chords looked at, because my voice keeps getting hoarse and my throat hurts and feels swollen a lot. I also sing. But even more than that, my piano teaching wears my voice out. Obviously, drinking a lot of water helps. But she said that, since your vocal chords are not in your esophagus, the water doesn't get directly to them to immediately prevent dehydration of the larynx. She gave me a gargle to use every day (2-3 times a day). It's called "Dr. Gould's Gargle." Here's the recipe:
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2tsp. baking soda
1/2tsp. clear Karo syrup
6 oz. warm water

Before gargling, you should breathe steam... either in your shower, or by making a tent over a pan of boiling water.... for 3 minutes. Then take small sips of the gargle at a time, but use the whole thing. Don't swallow it. Just gargle and spit. Then, don't eat or drink anything for 20 minutes. Using this will regulate the hydration around your vocal chords as well as keep the mucous in your larynx and sinuses thin. If you are actually having problems, you should do this 2-3 times a day for about a week. For just daily care, you can just do it once.

Oh.... the gargle doesn't taste bad. Just like strong salt water. This morning I noticed a little bit of the baking soda taste on my lips afterward, but nothing particularly offensive.

drink a lot of water, screaming is bad

Always before you sing anything you need to exercise your voice and that is to go up and down the scale. This helps the vocal chords in your throat so you do not strain and if you are seeing for an audience then before going on take a piece of lemon with you and suck on it just before. This will make sure that you do not crack your voice while singing.

dont eat sugar or salt before singing heaps, its really bad for singing. also, if you're singing regularly, don't push yourself. don't over sing, drink plenty of water and take it easy. push yourself in a performance if you want, but in regular practice its only bad for your voice. I know this teacher at school who has completely wrecked her voice from over singing. now she just has a crackly voice that doesn't hit many notes in tune. sorry for that horror story. i sing a lot too. too much probably... :P

yawning is good for warming up the voice,humming is also good. hum and place your voice in your tummy, then to your chest ,throat ,mouth,nose,head, then back down,and keep on singing like your in the shower,lol,really,hope this helps

I like to sing, not professionally or often. I have had trouble with throat stuff a lot. A sore throat is easy, cough drops. This also helps with hoarseness. If you have congestion, gargle salt water. Do this a little bit before you sing. And for just normal care, tea with honey and lemon.

It's best to find a teacher. I was talking with my singing teacher about some random topic and somehow we got to talking about how singing can permanently damage your vocal chords. If your vocal chords rub together incorrectly too long, then a callus will form on your vocal chords, causing your voice to become raspy.

Correct posture is more difficult than most people make it sound. It is not simply standing up straight. The knees must be slightly bent so that it feels natural and not flexed. The tailbone must be tucked in. It's hard to get it correct from just reading about it.