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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Who knows where i can find free sheet music with the lettering on them (FLUTE)?

Question:I think that you can write the lettering your self once you find the sheet music, it will help you sight read music better in the long run. Trust me, I play many instruments, flute being one of them.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think that you can write the lettering your self once you find the sheet music, it will help you sight read music better in the long run. Trust me, I play many instruments, flute being one of them.

Sheet music has some serious copyrights to it, so I suggest just going and getting it from the store.

Believe me, I've tried ..

Good luck, enjoy the flute.

Most sheet music does not have the note names pre-printed. The best advice is to just learn the note names. It is like learning another language. Make it a game. Try to learn 2 notes a session. I find flash cards help this process. While you are learning, take a fingering chart (these usually have the note and the note name) and in pencil, write in the name. This will also reinforce the learning process. As you learn the notes, erase the names.

As for finding free sheet music, there is some out there. A few composers post PDF files of their music on their web sites. It depends on what type of music you are looking for. Search in flute forums, some composers post there when they have music available. Search various composers (ones that you enjoy listening to and playing), chances are you will find some free sheet music, plus you will learn a something about them.

Also consider oboe and violin music. At a beginner level, these are virtually the same. This will also expand your possibilities.