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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Can you tell me if a guitar is a woodwind string or keyboard?

Question:i have a project due monday can you give me advice thanks

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i have a project due monday can you give me advice thanks

It is a stringed instrument. Woodwinds are say flutes, piccolos, clarinets, saxophones. Piano is a stringed percussion instrument.

guitar is a percussion.

A guitar is a stringed instrument. A woodwind is an instrument such as a flute, clarinet, or oboe. A percussion instrument is things such as the snare, bass drum, and bells.

A guitar is a non-symphonic string instrument with 6 strings from low E to high E.

A guitar is a string instrument. It is easy to tell if something is a string instrument. Just ask "Do you play it using strings?" and you have your answer. A woodwind is an instrument (originally) made of wood that you blow into. Things that are made of brass and that you blow into are brass. Percussion is easy, do you bang on it to make noise? A keyboard is a specific kind of instrument, not quite sure where you got that one.
Hope I've helped.