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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Is ait a good idea to have back up string for electric guitar?

Question:i am getting a starter guitar pack, just wondering is it good idea to buy strings; as in extra strings?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i am getting a starter guitar pack, just wondering is it good idea to buy strings; as in extra strings?

strings break... count on it and have extra strings

Yes always have a spare set.

I've been playing for over 35 years and would not be caught dead with out a spare set of strings. I break them mostly on my acoustic because I'm kinda heavy handed. Bad habit. Electrics are different because you should use a light touch and your strings are not as abused. Still if you break a string your pretty much crippled if you don't have a spare. Change them every once in a while too. It makes a difference in the sound that you'll notice.

ohhh yes. its a wonderful idea. strings break so easily.

I never have less than 3 of the first 3 strings alone. I always manage to break one just putting it on.

Yes, nothing more frustrating than having the inspiration & a broken string at the same time.