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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Is it too late to start piano now?

Question:Im 16, is it too late for me to start learning piano now? I don't have any musical background! =(

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Im 16, is it too late for me to start learning piano now? I don't have any musical background! =(

It's not too late. My brother started just recently. He's 18 and is really good. You might want to check that piano is "your thing" before you invest in it.

no, go for it, its not late at all!

what on earth! no way! You are in the peak of your life! go for it! just have a good attitude and discipline, dont think you′re too old please, you can make it, im sure of it!! :)

Go for it. Honestly, it's best to start ASAP.
I wish I had. I'm 19 and looking for a teacher.

It's not too late. You will need to learn the notes very quickly. If you do that, the keys should by no problem.

yes, before its too late. wen you're still pretty young you learn better, and if you dont start nOw, you'll wish you did wen you're older!

Its NEVER too late to start learning to play any musical instrument. I know people who started playing music -- or resumed their music studies after having laid it aside to go to college, get started in their careers, or start families -- in their 30's, 40's, 50's and older, and they love it. They'll never be professionals, but they don't care. They play because they love the music, and they love the process of learning to play, and the joy of playing music with other people, and that's all that matters.

Go for it!

Not at all. Many famous musicians started about your age.

I just recently met an 80 year old who just started speaking spanish she's having a blast with it. Never think you are too anything to learn, if you want to know, find a way and learn, you'll be a better person for it!
have fun!

I thought it was much too late to pick up guitar at 17, because so many other kids had started years earlier and were much better than I was. Ten years later, most of them don't play any more, and I'm a decent guitarist. Is it too late to be a concert pianist? Maybe. It's not too late to get pretty good and have a hell of a lot of fun, though.

It's never too late. Are you interested in playing the piano? Then enjoy yourself and play all of the wonderful "tunes" that are waiting for you to play them. I wish you well. What shall we then say to these things? If GOD be for us, WHO can be against us? - Romans 8:31. The Lord daily loadeth us with BENEFITS, even the God of our salvation. Selah. - Psalm 68:19. Peace, Love and God Bless.

OMG!!! When I read your question, I thought you were a 75 year old man... And no, it's never too late to start anything you want to do in your life.