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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How hard is it to learn to play the bagpipes?

Question:Is it easy to learn hard to master? Or is it just flat out hard? And does anyone know where to buy some or how to start learning? How much does a set of pipes cost to start up with? Any info or experience you got would be appreciated. (I can't go somewhere and take lessons thats not possible until next summer.)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Is it easy to learn hard to master? Or is it just flat out hard? And does anyone know where to buy some or how to start learning? How much does a set of pipes cost to start up with? Any info or experience you got would be appreciated. (I can't go somewhere and take lessons thats not possible until next summer.)

First, DO NOT BUY BAGPIPES FROM EBAY they are cheap knockoff pipes made in Pakistan and they wont stay in tune and the bladders will leak and you will think its your lack of skill..
Second, the pipes are a double reid instrument and it does take some practice on a chanter to master so you need to buy a PRACTICE CHANTER to begin with and after you master it then you buy the pipes...and always always always ask if the pipes were made in pakistan, india or china as those are trashcan pipes!!
And just for the record, they are the best instrument to play for me, I play many and I love the pipes the most..suggest synthetic drone reids for beginners as its a tad hard to tune the bamboo reids until you get your pitch ears acclimated.

It is easy to learn, a bit more effort to become good at it. You will need deep lungs and tight lips! You could expect to pay $500+ for a used set of pipes. On the upside, once you master the art there are plenty of opportunities to perform. Especially on St. Patrick's day for cultural festivals and such. For these performances it is not unreasonable to expect $200/hour since performers are scarce.

Well, I found this link - check it out.

I have friends that play the bagpipes and I'd say it's not any harder that a woodwind or brass instrument. There are many bagpipe bands around. Google bagpipes in your area. The bagpipe bands usually provide instruction and possibly an instrument even for beginners. Check out one of their compeitions too. They are usually at Scottish Festivals. I love the bagpipes and they are cool. Also google bagpipe camps - there might be such a thing to attend in the summer. I did find one, I provided the link below. That is a great way to meet people interested in the same things you are and it's really fun. "This one time at bagpige camp..."