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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I play the violin, I need vibrato help! Any tips?

Question:Instuctions or a link to a good, helpful page would be nice or just some of your tips +wisdom...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Instuctions or a link to a good, helpful page would be nice or just some of your tips +wisdom...

First make sure that the violin is being supported by your chin and shoulder and not your left hand, that's a very basic thing that many people miss.

A lot of teachers will suggest you move your hand up and down the neck of the violin slowly, and gradually do it more quickly and in smaller intervals. You should eventually be able to keep your thumb down in one place while you're vibrating. The motion of vibrato is mostly a wrist thing, but also depends on each individual person and their preferences on how to do it.

I suggest you get a private teacher to help you. It's way too easy to develop bad habits on the violin and those habits are so difficult to break.