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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Learning the flute?

Question:I've been wanting to learn how to play the flute for a really long time now, but I was never in band @ school, was to embarrassed and shy to get involved with school activity's. I'm currently 23 years old and plan on trying it out sometime in the future. So I've never had any lessons so far..

I was wondering just how tough it would be for someone like me to learn it? I fell in love with the beautiful melody and serenity a flute gives off in the songs I've listened to. One special song made me absolutely desire to learn the flute one day.

Any way, I was also wondering how much private lessons would run for by average? I live in Arkansas, if that helps.
I know its hard, but how hard? When I get into something I really like though.. I really go for it.

Thank you.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've been wanting to learn how to play the flute for a really long time now, but I was never in band @ school, was to embarrassed and shy to get involved with school activity's. I'm currently 23 years old and plan on trying it out sometime in the future. So I've never had any lessons so far..

I was wondering just how tough it would be for someone like me to learn it? I fell in love with the beautiful melody and serenity a flute gives off in the songs I've listened to. One special song made me absolutely desire to learn the flute one day.

Any way, I was also wondering how much private lessons would run for by average? I live in Arkansas, if that helps.
I know its hard, but how hard? When I get into something I really like though.. I really go for it.

Thank you.

Hi, Drew --

Even though, I'm 17 -- I've been playing the flute for 8 years. I personally love it with a passion, and I'll never stop playing. In Arkansas, the private lesson shouldn't be much different in my state. (I live in Oklahoma.)

When I was first taking flute lessons from a professional - they would give me weekly lessons ranging from 30 minutes to 2 hours. 30 minutes was around $15, and and adding $15 to each 30 minute series after that.

Look around, you could find cheaper, though, I'm sure.

For a beginner, ease of playing, and cost should be the consideration. A closed hole flute is easier to play than open hole, and much cheaper. A C foot flute is sufficient for a beginner. As it works out, a closed hole C foot flute is the cheapest. As far as brand, it is very subjective and in a student flute you cannot go wrong if you stick with a major brand. I do not recommend Chinese flutes that are available under many name brands. For what it is worth, my personal opinion in ranking student flutes for tone, ease of play, and workmanship: Yamaha is tops. Then you have Gemeinhardt, Emerson & Armstrong, these are also good makes. The next level is Selmer, Bundy but the Bundy is not recommended.

Here's a fingering chart that I found for you!

If you have any more questions, don't hesitate to ask through e-mail! And do not underestimate my age :). I know a lot about Flute and Piccolo, I've played them in school concert band, school marching band, parades, and professional symphony's!

EDIT-- If you do decide to start to play, I strongly suggest to start with scales first. You'll get to know the fingerings faster and easier.

It's hard to tell how much lessons will be, but I think you'll like playing it I played the flute and piccolo in our high school band and I loved it!!!!! As far as being hard to learn to play it's like learning any instrument you have to practice and practice it will come to you after a while...........good luck!!!! Edit: You might want to go to your local school and talk to the music director and they will be able to help you find someone to give you lessons or they might be able to give them to you.........

if you can blow across a pop bottle (or a beer bottle) you can play the flute. go to the music store and tell them what you want to do. if you have NO music background, tell them that, too. you have to learn the scale, the notes, everything from the beginning. they can set you up with the books you need.