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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Non-Broadway Audition songs for Alto?

Question:So I'm auditioning for Carnegie Mellon's Pre-college vocal performance program this summer, and I'm looking for an audition song. I have a fairly large range, but my voice sits best in low alto/high tenor places. I'd prefer not to do a Broadway song because they're very overused, so any suggestions would be much appreciated. Preferably something classy, as well, not super pop-ish.

Thank you! :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: So I'm auditioning for Carnegie Mellon's Pre-college vocal performance program this summer, and I'm looking for an audition song. I have a fairly large range, but my voice sits best in low alto/high tenor places. I'd prefer not to do a Broadway song because they're very overused, so any suggestions would be much appreciated. Preferably something classy, as well, not super pop-ish.

Thank you! :)

Ready for Love- India Arie
Diary- Alicia Keys
Nature Boy- Nat King Cole via Natalie Cole
The Very Thought of You- Nat King Cole via Natalie Cole
At Last- Ella Fitzgerald (nah that's slightly overused)
I Wish I Wasn't- Heather Headley
I Found My Everything- Mary J Blige

there are a few broadway songs that aren't overused like:
Easy as Life- Aida
Elaborate Lives (Reprise)- Aida
Daddy's Son- Ragtime
Back to Before- Ragtime

how about "live to tell" by madonna?

Oh good Lord child! Do NOT under ANY circumstances to a pop song. At least not if you want to be taken seriously. If you are seriously considering studying voice look for the books 26 Italian Songs and Arias (low voice) and The First Book of Alto Solos. These have a number of lovely art songs that would be age appropriate and competitive. Religious songs are also a good choice. "Sometimes I feel like a motherless child," "Ride On, King Jesus," etc. Good luck on your audition!

Any Karen Carpenter song sound beautiful in an alto voice,... Carpenters version of "ticket to ride" would be good.

I know you said no Broadway, but "Life is just a Bowl of Cherries" is a classy beautiful Fosse song.

Not sure if you are familiar with Jason Mraz... but something like "I'm yours" or "Life is Wonderful"