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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Do you have to be hot or good looking to dance and sing in front of an audience?

Question:also, would you be impressed if somebody could sing very well (R&B), dance very well(hip hop), play the handrums(Bongos) very well(I mean amazingly) and play the saxophone very well.....
if yes, then what are the chances of getting famous if you are good at these things
are there a lot of people that are good at these things?
can a talent show help me get noticed by agencies?
PS.... I am not lying about any of these things

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: also, would you be impressed if somebody could sing very well (R&B), dance very well(hip hop), play the handrums(Bongos) very well(I mean amazingly) and play the saxophone very well.....
if yes, then what are the chances of getting famous if you are good at these things
are there a lot of people that are good at these things?
can a talent show help me get noticed by agencies?
PS.... I am not lying about any of these things

being good looking- no. ppl are there to see your TALENTS, not LOOKS. i mean, honestly, ppl do prefer that the person have looks, but it really shouldnt matter!

becoming famous- that is hard to answer. it depends on so many things- where do you live? where is your talent show going to be? who is coming to it? do you know anybody in the business?..........i think the best way to get noticed by agencies would be to go to them personally.

sorry, that's all i got. good luck

You do not have to be hot or good looking. Many times it is luck and being in the right place at the right time gets you discovered.

Yes it is the kind of openings you should seek out as often as possible. If People do not know about you or your talent then how can you ever get to be noticed ? Good luck and may you realise your Dreams.

Why not try to start out with talent. Too many "hot" or "good looking" people are shoved down our throats that have absolutely no talent. They just sell sex and a lifestyle/death style. Talent first looks last. Unless it is your goal to be a cookie cutter doll pimped out by music moguls so they can make money off of your appearance which will eventually fade and need to be propped up with surgery....

Fairly common talents keep them for amusement - car washing is more reliable for income.

No you don't have to be hot, look at Mick Jagger, Rod Stewart, Barry Manilow. These men made it not because of their looks but because they are talented. You have to show that talent somehow, enter what ever is out there. Talent shows, festivals, church activities. Good Luck!

that's good if you are that talented. It doesnt hurt to give yourself a chance and explore the world. Good luck

no you dont