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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How do you get a job a the renaissance festival?

Question:if you work at a reniassance festival what is it like?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: if you work at a reniassance festival what is it like?

I currently work there and have for the past 6 yrs. I personally just went there and asked around and luckily there is almost always SOMEONE hiring. You can go when the festival holds auditions and the job fair before the season starts. Those jobs are usually in food and drink booths or to be a performer. This is the Texas Renaissance Festivals web site.
They do have a section pertaining to jobs there but I would suggest coming out to the festival and asking around. I run some games and it's really fun and a really free environment. I like it a lot. Good luck and I hope this helps!

there isnt really isnt an age requirement but most the ppl there prefer you to be at least 16. Report It

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  • mikeydonatelli's Avatar by mikeydon...
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  • Rent a horse and storm in the festival while yelling "get me a job here or I will get medieval on your butt."

    just show up in costume

    Show up with the best weed. And supply your own outfit.

    You either have to apply and/or audition for them when they have casting calls (if you go to their websites, most of the large faires have a page about jobs) or you go on the first day and go from booth to booth and see who is hiring. I worked a faire for one season in a booth. I had a great time. I was single (and I'm a big flirt) so I had a great time flirting with my faux British accent and kissing hands. It was really hot and humid at times, but I hada great time. If I did it again, I'd want to do it more as a performer than a booth worker.