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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What guitar does Slash play?

Question:Slash from Guns N Roses or now Velvet Revovler can some tell me if he plays electric guitar or a bass guitar. thanks

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Slash from Guns N Roses or now Velvet Revovler can some tell me if he plays electric guitar or a bass guitar. thanks

He plays a Les Paul Gibson electric, but I'm sure that he has several for the bass....I'm sure that he can even play that...but I've never seen him play it.... the Gibson is the one that I see him play most often...I play and teach classical and acoustic, and Slash has always been one of my favorite rock players....( I put him up there with Steve Howe, Jimmy Page, Paco, Liona Boyd, and Peo Kindgren.) have you ever heard that little piece that he plays at the end of Use Your Illusion, it's a little classical Spanish piece, I flipped when I heard it, the only problem is that it's too short, I'd like to see him make a Cd with nothing but that style of music, I'd be the first in line to buy it !!!!!...I think he's a genius, who has perfect pitch....he can play anything...and he doesn't even read music. His solo on Sweet Child of Mine is my all time favorite, November Rain is also great, but as you've probably guessed by now, I think Slash could play anything and I would love it !!!!!!!!!!!

electric. it's a gibson les paul....definitely a bad-*** guitar!