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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Tips for seating auditions?

Question:(and i do realize 'practicing' is a good idea..)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: (and i do realize 'practicing' is a good idea..)

-Go over your scales (and arpeggios if you have to do those) a LOT. Some people overlook this and having them perfectly even and smooth can help put you over the edge.

-For you piece, try to add as much emotion as you can. Don't just stick to what the music suggests (as in crescendos and diminuendos), add your style. And play with the tempo if you feel the piece calls for can slow down or speed up at some parts. Add your own thing to the music will separate yourself from the others.

-If you play a wind instrument, PHRASE IN WELL REHEARSED AND SENSIBLE PLACES. NOTHING is worse than getting into a piece of music someone is playing and then having it be interrupted by a breath.

-Stress accents, make slurs as smooth as ever, and make staccatos last a millisecond. Exaggerate EVERYTHING.

-Practice sight-reading before as well.

-Good luck