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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What does the "pan" come from in the play "Peter Pan"?

Question:Is it because he wore a pan on his head? Or does it com Greek mythology? Or the musical instrument?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Is it because he wore a pan on his head? Or does it com Greek mythology? Or the musical instrument?

"Pan" was likely first derived from ancient greek mithology. According to greek mithology, Pan was the spirit of nature, who lived in the woods and spent his days annoying the "wood nymphs". In the book this is related to him wearing clothes made of leaves, cobwebs, and drinking the juices that run from trees.

Visual reference of the Peter Pan character is made to his ties to the Pan of Greek mythology by showing him absentmindedly playing the Pan pipes (also called pan flute), which the nature spirit was famous for playing.

It is the musical instrument Peter is playing when he first appears onstage... it's call the "Pipes of Pan"