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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What can I do to have better high notes?

Question:I have been taking private voice lessons for 2 years.
My voice has really grown and I am really happy with it, except for my high notes.
I am a soprano, so I can sing them, but I feel as if I can do better.
They're not very clear or shiny sounding.
What can I do to improve them?
Any advice?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have been taking private voice lessons for 2 years.
My voice has really grown and I am really happy with it, except for my high notes.
I am a soprano, so I can sing them, but I feel as if I can do better.
They're not very clear or shiny sounding.
What can I do to improve them?
Any advice?

drop that jaw and let them FLY!
i have lessons as well and dropping your jaw helps, also when you get really up there on the scale ( i know this sounds dumb but it works) raise your eyebrowes! think high and tall!
and kick in your diaphram(spelling?)
and if you want your notes to be louder, this is what my teacher does...
he will play the note i have to sing, then i have to yell the word HEY! then i have to sing the note as loud as i just yelled the word hey. this is done when moving up the scale in warm ups, so then you know that you can hit the notes in the songs you work on, cause you did it in warm ups!

i hope this helped!

Sing from your diaphram. Think the note in your head, and believe that you can hit it, and then it will come out sounding beautiful. I am a soprano too, and that's what I do for those really high notes.

Hope I helped :)

Like someone said, Breathe and sing from your diaphragm.
It actually really helps. Also do some breathing exercises and warm-ups even though I know you do them already. If you set your goal and believe that you can do ANYTHING, because ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. I know you can do it just keep on trying. Set your attitude to reach that goal, you have a chance.

Breathe from your diagraphm and think the pitch. The note will come out and sound beautiful! I'm a flute player and it's what I do when I need to hit a high B or C.