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Question:do u see porn as an art form? i do. porn is more than just f****ng they have to act to some is a bit acrobatic at times.....whats your opinion

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: do u see porn as an art form? i do. porn is more than just f****ng they have to act to some is a bit acrobatic at times.....whats your opinion

OK, but it doesn't really meet aesthetic standards as "good" art, for the most part, does it? If it were not for the damage it can do to the suggestible mind or the unwilling performer, perhaps it could be considered "legitimate". In the Seventies the porn industry began a climb towards mainstreaming with films like "Behind the Green Door" and "Deep Throat". As a result of this time, feature films and television did become more daring to the point that full rear nudity of both men and women became almost common place on network programing for after nine in the evening. The swell of a woman's breast has become almost mandatory for love scenes portrayed on television these days. A far cry from the beginning days of television when Desi Arnez and Lucille Ball, although married on set and in real life, were forced by censors to keep at least one foot on the ground during any filming in their bedroom set. We have come a long way since then. To give (literally) the Devil his due, this is all because the porn industry forced us to be more honest with ourselves about ourselves. Isn't it strange that honesty can be obtained through fantasy?

It could be as long as it's tasteful.

porn is a movie and movies are art. besides the sex you have the acting the lighting the costumes and the score

No...I'm sorry I don't see this in any way, shape, or form, an art form....I think making love is a very personal and private thing...I'm not a prude it's just the way I feel, and you did say you wanted our opinions !!!!!!

Personally I have never seen porn that conveyed a sense of art to me but that is a totally subjective view. I like porn in some sense but see some of it as base and degrading to civilization as it brings out the animalistic nature of humans.

Of course anything visual that is pleasing or interesting to the eye can be termed art; however, if it is useful then it is a craft.

Porn is not an art form.

Then again, neither is mime in my opinion and many would argue that.

For me its just a good sexual release. A bit of good ole human fornication to forfill the desires i have when my GF is not around.