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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What are good broadway songs to dance to?

Question:What are some songs in broadway musicals to dance to?
i would like something up beat please

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What are some songs in broadway musicals to dance to?
i would like something up beat please

"All That Jazz", from "Chicago", "One", the closing number, from "A Chorus Line", "Magic To Do" from Pippin, is funky, and conveys the magic of theatre.

Bring on the men-Jekyll and Hyde, You can't stop the beat-Hairspray, Hand Jive-Grease... Hope I helped.

Anything from Grease, obviously.
Whipped into Shape from Legally Blonde.
La Vie Boheme from Rent.
The Time Warp from The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

New York, New York by Frank Sinatra.
Danced to it in 3rd grade and was a spectacular song!

Try looking at some stuff from West Side Story. "America" and "Mambo" are both really up beat and fun songs. If you don't mind a religious slant "We Beseech Thee" and "O Bless the Lord, My Soul" from Godspell are pretty good as well. Also, "One" from A Chorus Line is pretty good.