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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How can i become a better singer??? besides taking lessons im already taking les

Question:Practice, learn more songs, work on your breathing, and work on your placement. Singing is about muscle memory. Your muscles remember what to do, that's why basketball players spend hours shooting free-throws, to help their muscles remember what it feels like. Sing all the time, and breath correctly all the time. Practice. All this adds up. It may not seem so now, but in a few months it leads to amazing effects.

I imagine you're probably a high school student or possibly younger. At this age you'll get a lot of bad advice from people, and see many people that might have more natural talent, don't worry about them. True singing takes an emense amount of dedication and work, and talent is going to be of little value without that dedication. Plus, you might have a lot of talent that you don't realize until you unlock some of the core skills of singing, such as breathing or diction (saying the words), so practice and don't stop for anything and you'll have no other option but to improve.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Practice, learn more songs, work on your breathing, and work on your placement. Singing is about muscle memory. Your muscles remember what to do, that's why basketball players spend hours shooting free-throws, to help their muscles remember what it feels like. Sing all the time, and breath correctly all the time. Practice. All this adds up. It may not seem so now, but in a few months it leads to amazing effects.

I imagine you're probably a high school student or possibly younger. At this age you'll get a lot of bad advice from people, and see many people that might have more natural talent, don't worry about them. True singing takes an emense amount of dedication and work, and talent is going to be of little value without that dedication. Plus, you might have a lot of talent that you don't realize until you unlock some of the core skills of singing, such as breathing or diction (saying the words), so practice and don't stop for anything and you'll have no other option but to improve.

then ask your instructor

get hot!!! So people will love you!

do you sing every day...try singing scales every day...i dont know if it will work...just a suggestion

sing a song over again that you like intill you make it perfect that is what vennessa ann hudgens did.

I think lessons are your best chance, if you are still not as good as you want to be you may just have to accept that. Singing is ultimately a talent that you have or dont

here watch this video and watch how this guy perfects singing and in front of a big crowd on stage:

There was this singer that was very popular, her technique was, she sing a song at the beach, the water level is on the neck level.

Ok sing somewhere where no one will here you becuase youll feel emmberist if you sing with other poeple when you sing so you should sing alone with no one.

Take up smoking.

I have this really great computer program called smartmusic. it has two microphones that you can record with (a headset and a clip on) and play back immediately. you can program it to recognize voice and any instrument.
mine is programed to voice, guitar, french horn, piano, and trumpet.
It's so great. You can search for sheet music and it actually recognizes the notes you sing as it follows along with you. You can also email your recordings and save them on your iTunes and download them onto your iPod!
It has a metronome and a tuner in the program.
It costs a hundred dollars, but it is totally worth it.
You probably have heard yourself before, but this is an oppurtunity to practice at home and revise, in the comfort of your room (if you have a computer in it). It is very easy to install and easy to do.
Hope this helps!

Unfortunately I agree that not all singers are created equal.

Your vocal chords, the resonance of your own sinus chambers, septum, etc can all impact the quality of your voice. You can have great control of the voice you have, but if it you don't have the anatomy for it, you'll still sound like irkel.

In any case, making the best of the voice you have requires consistent effort to train your lungs, vocal chords, etc. It doesn't just happen by itself. Take the lessons from your coach, and practice practice practice. Don't over do it though, hard work must always be followed with rest time for improvement to develop.

It will take a long time, years maybe, but will be well worth it in the long run.

i bought one of those singstar things.