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Position:Home>Performing Arts> This is our second pep rally?

Question:and i'm nervous but not as nervous as our first pep rally and i know my music but i'm nervous i'll screw up cause its concert and syphonic band on tuesday help me plz

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: and i'm nervous but not as nervous as our first pep rally and i know my music but i'm nervous i'll screw up cause its concert and syphonic band on tuesday help me plz

You did it already, you can do it again. IT is just the preforming jitters! You will do great! Practice in your head before you go to bed and in the morning!Don't worry, your will do great!Have fun too, pep rallys are supposed to be fun to preform in!

thanks yall Report It

Other Answers (4)

  • Anarane's Avatar by Anarane
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  • Practice beforehand and try not to be so nervous. When your nervous, it tends to get you jittery and it makes a lot harder. Talk to someone about it (like someone in your band). They're probably are just as nervous as you are! If you do mess up, keep going and act like nothing happen...that's key. Plus, it is a pep rally, so if a mess-up happens, it happens. Everyone is just going to be so excited about the performance and the up-coming game so they're not going to care. Good luck!

    you'll be fine. if you've done it once then the second time should be even easier! besides, if you mess up, nobody will problly be able to tell, just keep going... (i was in chorus for 6 years, and this is what our chorus teacher taught us).. good luck! =)

    pep rally's never really matter, just play loud and with a recogniseable sound

    Just practice and you'll be fine...if you know your music then try to relax and be calm...the more nervous you are then the more prone you are to mess up...